Efficiency & Drivetrain Simulation
Simulating and Analysing Powertrain Concepts
One of the first steps in the technical configuration for future propulsion systems (PHEV, HEV, BEV, H2) is the built up of a simulation environment which defines the demands of each power unit according to the requirements. These requirements usually includes driving scenarios, efficiency goals as well as drivability and comfort.
To cover the large variety of different systems a modular setup was developed which may consist of simple as well as complex modelling approaches according to the desired tasks. Hence, the full complexity of the whole propulsion including a driver model for detailed investigations as well as simple approaches for pre studies can be covered.
Additionally the thermal behaviors of the different propulsion components can be integrated and analyzed to define an adequate thermal concept, which also becomes more and more important for an optimal propulsion control.
Possible Application
- Pre studies for propulsion configuration
- Prototype/serial simulation with detailed propulsion modelling
- Thermal evaluation, design and control of the propulsion system
- Optimal propulsion control with respect to energy consumption, dynamics, thermal behavior and comfort according to the required driving scenario catalogue